A seletion of our courses and lectures:
The dog's signals
Enrichment in a short time
The dog's origin and breed knowledge
Dog food, theory
Make your own dog food
Everyday obedience
Dog Shows
Dogs with baggage
How do I take care of my dog ​​in the best way?
Courses for children and young people
Courses and lectures
We offer a range of different courses and lectures. The courses are usually held at the daycare, where we have the opportunity to be both indoors and outside in fenced yards.
You can follow what is current on our Facebook page. If you have a request for a specific course, please get in touch!
Socialization walks is arranged with the aim of allowing dogs and their owners to meet other dogs and owners, with certain rules, and socialize in a group with trained staff. Participants receive individual tips and advice on how to read their dog and what to think about in the event of any problems. An excellent opportunity to socialize your puppy as well.
Agility training: During the summer months, when the evenings are light, agility training are arranged at regular intervals on our own agility course. It costs €7/team/time and is hosted by Petra. Sometimes the agility course is open to interested parties also on other evenings and then without a leader, with advance notice. The price is the same and there may be several people who want to train at the same time, so respect each other and take turns. If you want to train alone, you can rent the agility course for an evening or a whole weekend day, then it is required that you have trained agility before and know all the obstacles. If you want to train privately with a coach, that can also be arranged.
Collaborations with outside trainers/coaches/lecturers
Fyra Ben collaborates with Egard Hundträning and has courses of different kinds either together or separate. For example, environment training, passing by other dogs and adolescent courses.
Nosework courses with our own instructors Anna and Leif Forsberg from Sweden are arranged when there is interest. We have also organized two Nosework camps at their farm in Sweden, where there also were the opportunity to take a BPH test with your dog.
World famous Gerard O'Shea has held a course for us and also SKK's BPH describer and veterinary assistant Therese Abrahamsson. There have been themes such as dog shows, animal health care, stress and grooming.
Private training:
As time and opportunity allow, we offer private training for various types of minor problems. It can be socialization, leash walking, agility, fears or behaviors due to insecurity. Note that times for this are very limited. Get in touch if interested!
Intresserad av att gå kurs när det passar dig, var du än är?
Då kan du gå in på vår kursplattform https://fyraben.newzenler.com/ och titta igenom vårt kursutbud. Nya kurser kommer upp lite då och då. Där hittar du kurser om allt från hundfoder till agility och kloklippning.